We’ve Got a Date!
The bill for Public Banking HB 130 is scheduled for the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee at 1:30 p.m. on Wed., Feb. 5, 2025 in Room 317.
We request that everyone to contact committee members to seek their support of a Do Pass for HB 130–Public Banking Bill.
For more information, see our post which will give you all of the details on how to contact the Committee to express your support of a Public Bank in New Mexico.
Double the Impact of Your Donation
With our current Gift Matching Appeal, we move one step closer to making a Public Bank of New Mexico (PBNM) a reality. Now it is more important than ever to obtain the financial support.
Thanks to the generosity of two incredible donors, every contribution made to this fundraising campaign will be matched dollar-for-dollar which means that your gift will have TWICE the impact.
In addition to the state public bank initiative, AFLEP’s North Central Regional outreach project is in full swing since July 2024 so let’s keep the flow going and support thriving New Mexico communities.
Here is our video about an farm cooperative in Central New Mexico which provides food, trains new farmers, and incubates businesses. The participants discuss the financing challenges faced by farmers and small businesses today. A Public Bank in New Mexico could be a vital resource to invest in local food production, job creation which in turn would create a stronger local economy and community well-being.
Endorsements a Public Bank for New Mexico
You can also endorse a public bank so public officials and friends know you support public banking and why.
Endorsements from community members and leaders across New Mexico are extremely helpful to us, as we speak with Legislators – to show the growing support for public banking. View Full Endorsers Gallery >>>
Allied Organizations that support what a State Public Bank can do for our economy
New Mexico News
House Commerce and Economic Development Committee at 1:30 on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Friday, January 17 at 8:00 a.m. our Executive Director, Angela Merkert was featured on an hour-long radio interview with the public radio station in Silver City on The Forum with lead interviewer, Raul Turrieta, a board member and community leader in Silver...
2025 Legislative Preview Zoomfest – Top of the List
National News
A Bank of One’s Own
In a recent article published by Non Profit Quarterly regarding Economic Democratic Weekly, it is clear that there is more legislative activity and public bank formation is underway in California, New York and other areas in the States. The focus is clearly on keeping...
CFO Patronis Proposes ‘Sunshine Freedom Bank,’ A First-of-its-Kind State Bank of Florida
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jimmy Patronis proposed the “Sunshine Freedom Bank,” a public bank of Florida that would establish state control over state funds. The Florida Treasury, which CFO Patronis...
Banking For The People: New E-book by Next City & CommonFuture
by Next City & CommonFuture — Our mainstream banking system is failing most of us. This ebook includes stories about the people and organizations working to make the system work better for everyone — no matter their race, zip code or socioeconomic status. It’s not...

Retake Our Democracy Zoominar Panel on Public Bank Legislation
Retake Our Democracy Zoominar Panel on Public Bank Legislation
We had a great discussion panel with Retake our Democracy ahead of the 2023 Legislative session. October 26, 2022
Albuquerque local business consultant on how a State Public Bank can benefit our economy
Albuquerque local business consultant on how a State Public Bank can benefit our economy
AFLEP Leadership Team Member and Albuquerque”buy local” business advocate, Clifton Chadwick shares key economic reasons why he supports the creation of a State-Owned Public Bank. March 10, 2022
SEED NM 2022 Symposium: Bob Mang on how business guilds can regenerate communities
SEED NM 2022 Symposium: Bob Mang on how business guilds can regenerate communities
Bob Mang, Re-Genesis Inc, Co-Founder (Retired) and AFLEP Board member, talks about rural economic development and how business guilds can regenerate communities.Jan 14, 2022
Public Banking Institute
Accross the nation, more than 25 initiatives and 50 grassroots organizations are advocating for the chartering of public banks. Learn more about the National Movement and the work of our national affiliate, the Public Banking Institute.
- North Dakota had the lowest unemployment rate in the nation during the 2007-08 recession. Current May 2023 rates: North Dakota, 2.1%; U.S., 3.7%; New Mexico, 3.5%.
- Bank of North Dakota (BND) has added to the state’s annual operating budget $300+ million over the past 10 years.
- North Dakota community banks are thriving because of their partnerships with BND: 10 community banks per 100,000 population, the highest in the U.S.
- Founded in 1919 with $2 million in capital, BND reported assets of $7.0 billion at the end of 2019, their 100th anniversary. In 2022, their assets were $10.2 billion.
- BND originated or renewed 15,696 loans to state businesses, projects and students, totaling $1.33 billion in their 100th year of 2019. Their total loan portfolio in 2022 was $5.4 billion.
- BND works actively to create successful new businesses to reduce the state’s dependence on oil and gas.
- BND responded to the COVID-19 crisis with confidence in 2020, filling the gaps that federal programs didn’t support and seeing a 15% Return on Investment (ROI). Their ROI in 2022 was 19%.
Detailed Comparison of New Mexico and North Dakota
BND’s 2020 Economic Development Report: Creating Financial Solutions for Current and Emerging Economic Needs
BND 2022 Annual Report: Game Changer