Press Room & Media

State Employees Credit Union, former CEO Harold Dixon talks about why he sees a need for a public bank in New Mexico
May 28, 2022 – Retake Our Democracy's Paul Gibson explores public banking mis-information with Harold, and some key ways a public bank can improve New Mexico's economy – like expanding the lending capacity of community banks and credit unions, reducing State bond...

Retake Our Democracy: Angela Merkert on the 2022 Public Bank Legislation
Angela Merkert, AFLEP Executive Director recaps the public banking movement in New Mexico, the 2021 launch of public bank legislation and unveils the comprehensive Public Bank Act bill slated for the 2022 Session. Host Paul Gibson asks why the Community Bank sector...

A Public Bank for New Mexico
Richard Eeds Show, KTRC | Dec 2, 2020 Why does New Mexico need a Public Bank? Listen as Richard Eeds interviews Elaine Sullivan and Melissa Pickett of Alliance for Local Economic Prosperity about the ways a Public Bank could benefit all New Mexicans in the midst of...

Time for Public and State Banks
By Jim Harvey, Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice | Nov 18, 2020 Is it time for Public and State Banks? Jim Harvey talks with Sarah Manning and Rebeca Jasso-Aquilar of the Alliance for Local Economic Prosperity about why we need public and state banks in New...

Public Banking: A Way Up and Out During Economic Hardship
By MK Mendoza, KSFR | Nov 12, 2020 Wake Up Call’s MK Mendoza speaks with two leading representatives from the non-profit Alliance for Local Economic Prosperity about how public banking statewide could literally turn things around for New Mexico as we find our way out...

Local Economic Prosperity for New Mexico with Public Banking
AFLEP team members Bob Mang and Elaine Sullivan speak at Journey Santa Fe – February 24, 2019 Listen to the Podcast
Sacred vs Mundane? It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown
New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Mayor Javier Gonzales join Craig Barnes on-air
Barnes spoke with both mayors about income inequality and a subject on the next City Council’s meeting agenda, public banking.
Santa Fe Symposium Speakers Gwendolyn Hallsmith and Dr. Thomas Keidel on the Tim Danahey Show
Tim Danahey set up his portable studio in the Green Room of the Banking On New Mexico Symposium to interview several of the invited speakers at the Symposium. The Symposium, whose principal topic was public banking, was held at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center on Saturday, September 27, 2014. Videos of the full program […]
Gwendolyn Hallsmith, Executive Director, Public Banking Institute – Interviewed by Craig Barnes
Gwen Hallsmith, Executive Director of the Public Banking Institute, was interviewed this morning (Saturday, September 6, 2014) on Our Times with Craig Barnes. Gwen points out that actions to establish state and local municipal public banks are sweeping the country. She explains how interest income that normally goes to the Wall Street banks can be […]