Help with loans a community bank may avoid. Bob Mang, AFLEP Board Treasurer, highlights why a public bank is needed in New Mexico and how a public bank could help with some of the types of loans banks are reluctant to make. September 2021
Watch the complete AFLEP FAQ video series on our YouTube channel – where we cover topics including:
- Why is a Public Bank needed in New Mexico?
- What is proposed for a Public Bank in New Mexico?
- What is the risk?
- Loan Programs between a public bank, local retail banks and credit unions.
- Capital versus Deposits: what’s the difference?
- Three Types of Banks: retail banks, banker’s banks and the Federal Reserve
- Long Term Loans: the first type of loans that banks are reluctant to make
- Small Loans: the second type of loans that banks are reluctant to make
- New Business Loans: the third type of loans that banks are reluctant to make
- Loan Category Cap: the fourth type of loans that banks are reluctant to make
- More about new business risks.
- Community Banks and Credit Unions: what’s the difference?