By C.J. Polychroniou for Truthout | February 17, 2024 (Photo: LEONARDO MUNOZ / VIEWPRESS / GETTY IMAGES) Progressive economist Gerald Epstein explains how we can build a banking system that puts people over profit. Our current banking and financial system has...

Public Banking on Public Radio
Monday, December 9, the work of AFLEP was the focus on Santa Fe’s public radio station 101.1 FM KSFR on The Forum with Jim Falk. Being interviewed were the following people. Peter Smith, AFLEP Board President Harold Dixon, Advisory Board member Rick Clayburgh...Opening Public Banks in California – National Town Hall
California Public Banking Alliance hosted a virtual Town Hall on March 30, 2022 – regarding the groundbreaking efforts to start public banks in California. Keynote speaker Eric Hardmeyer, retired CEO, discusses the mechanics of the successful Bank of North Dakota —...Keynote: Eric Hardmeyer, retired CEO of Bank of North Dakota
Keynote: Eric Hardmeyer, Bank of North Dakota California Public Banking Alliance’s March 30th Town Hall, The Nuts & Bolts of Opening Public Banks in California Eric Hardmeyer, recently retired after 21 years as CEO of the Bank of North Dakota detailed the...
Public Banks: What Are They, and How Might They Impact Workers?
ONLABOR, By Travis Lavenski January 12, 2022 (Above: First State Bank, Osnabrock North Dakota) Since the Great Recession in 2008, a surge of discourse regarding public banking has emerged. Commonly pushed as a core piece of progressive legislation, states...